Whistling Hens Debut Album
Reacting to the Landscape
October 1, 2022
Reacting to the Landscape is a CD recording project that includes nine world premiere recordings, features seven living American women composers, and showcases five commissions.
The album title, Reacting to the Landscape, comes from an interview in which former Baltimore Symphony Orchestra conductor Marin Alsop (the first female to lead a major orchestra in the US) said,
“People ask why a course like this [for women conductors] is necessary, and I think it's a disingenuous question. It's only necessary because of the reality. It's not something I'm making up. I'm just reacting to the landscape...Because I have quite a thick skin, I don't mind being the one out front, trying to elbow my way in. But I think, as that person out front, it's important for me to create a pathway for people coming through. I don't want it to be so hard for the next generations.” So why women composers? Why now? We’re just reacting to the landscape.
Available October 1, 2022 for CD orders and for download and streaming on digital platforms.​
Victoria Bond: Scat 2
Ashi Day: The Green Child*
Ashi Day: Thursday*
Melika M. Fitzhugh: A Woman Keeps Opening**
Cherise D. Leiter: American Folk Suite
Cherise D. Leiter: Eve's Diary*
Dannielle McBryan: It's Bedtime*
Diana Rosenblum: Say I am a River*
Jennifer Stevenson: Letter From Beirut**
*denotes a commission
**denotes a Darkwater Womxn in Music Festival work
Robert Armstrong
Strange Woman Records
Mahsa Yahosseini
Christ Memorial Presbyterian
Davies Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Georgia College & State University Department of Music
Georgia College & State University Women's Circle
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Department of Music
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Dresher Center
Anonymous (4)
Meghan Shanley Alger
Mandi Barrus
Deborah Yardley Beers
Teri Bickham
Leda Black
Jenny Bilfield
Ashi Day
David Farrell
Shari Feldman
Melika Fitzhugh
Jennifer Flory
Jonathan Galle
Wesley Green
Kimia Hesabi
Alice Kreisle
Cherise D. Leiter
Sandra and Benjamin Martinelli
Joseph May
Dannielle McBryan
Margaret McGillivray
Tim McReynolds
Laurie Peebles
Carol and Kenneth Pick
Todd Pick
Jennifer Stevenson
Diane Taylor
Roddy Terrell
Ryan Tibbetts
Frank Wiley